
The Axiom Business Book Awards recognize exemplary business books, and their creators, that inspire business people to improve their careers and businesses. The goal of the awards is to celebrate the innovative, intelligent, and creative aspects of the books that make us think, see, and work differently every day. Mary Lore received the bronze medal for her book, Managing Thought, in the category of Communication Skills.
USA Book News is the premiere online magazine and review website for mainstream and independent publishing. Each year, USA Book News honors outstanding mainstream and independent with their National Best Books Award.
Mary J. Lore, received two National Best Book Awards for Managing Thought, the book, in the Business: Motivational category and Managing Thought, the audio book in the Self-Help/Motivational category.
The esteemed Eric Hoffer Award was founded at the start of the 21st century (with permission from the Eric Hoffer Estate) to honor free-thinking writers and books of exceptional merit. Each year, the award is presented to one book in each of three press categories to writings that illuminate, progress, or re-direct thought. Managing Thought, by Mary J. Lore was bestowed the Eric Hoffer Award in the Small Press Category.