From the Multiple Award-Winning Book and Audio Book, Managing Thought by Mary Lore. 

• PrioriTree 1 – Decide What I Want: Determining What is Significant and of Value to Me
• PrioriTree 2 – Identifying Destructive and Diseased Thoughts
• PrioriTree 3 – Thoughts that Waste Time, Energy and Money and Block the Light (True Reality)
• PrioriTree 4 – Practice Shaping Thought: Creating and Writing My Intentions
• PrioriTree 5 – Practice Shaping Thought: Asking Powerful Questions
• PrioriTree 6 – Practice Shaping Thought: Making Powerful Statements

Dear Friend -

It is my hope that you choose to reread Managing Thought for years to come and use it as a trusted guide, mentor, and mirror.  

Because each day of living brings new and different experiences, each time you read the book or listen to the audio book, a new discovery emerges as you sculpt the work of art in progress that is you. 

I hope you find these worksheets helpful. Feel free to use them again and again to help you decide what you want, identify self-limiting beliefs and create your intentions for any aspect of your life.

Enjoy your journey.  

Managing Thought
Hard Cover

Managing Thought
Audio Book